June 9, 2019

Metacognition & Learning | Nursing Hacks # 14

Metacognition is a concept that concentrates on thinking about your thinking. Seems confusing, I know, but it focuses on processes concerning monitoring, assesses, and evaluating your understanding and performance. Metacognition is a new trend in nursing school education, and I'm very excited to see it is finally being put to use. It goes beyond nursing concepts and focuses on the learner's actual ability to learn and comprehend content. As an individual either interested or currently in the nursing profession, I know that metacognition will improve your knowledge capabilities. Metacognition makes you aware of your strengths and weaknesses in a variety of topics. It provides the learner the ability to be proactive, and not solely reactive to the learning process. The fundamental component of metacognition is the recognition of one's limitations regarding knowledge and performance. Once the deficiencies are known, one can focus on filling those gaps and expanding knowledge and performance roots. You don't know what you don't know unless you explore your perspectives toward learning. As humans, we tend to be blissfully oblivious of our incompetence, and lack insight about our deficiencies. We are our perspective, and every encounter is viewed through our own lens. To allow true education to take place, we must asses our viewpoint towards educational fundamentals. In order to understand the disease process of COPD, you must first understand the concept of gas exchange. Knowing the symptoms is not learning, it is memorization and unhelpful. Hence nursing schools moving toward nursing concept learning models.

 What can we do about this?

# 1: Examine Current Thinking
- What are your current feelings or ideas about the topic?
- What experiences have influenced your opinion about the topic?
- What are you learning & why are you learning it?

# 2: Identifying Confusion
- What element is confusing to you?
- What are you having issues grasping?
- What foundations do you feel you are lacking?

... research the gaps found, educate & evolve your thinking ... 

# 3: Recognize Change
- How has your thinking changed?
- What concrete concepts remained?

# 4: Reflection
- Do you feel you have expanded your knowledge?
- What gaps remain? What other questions do you have?

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